The main channel table, this table should only be used when changing things on the channel (not frequently) so we don't add counters or last_activity or anything like that.
{//Primary key"company_id": "uuid-v4","workspace_id": "string"// ("uuid-v4" | "direct")"id": "uuid-v4",//Content"owner": "uuid-v4",//User-id of the channel owner (invisible but used on some access restriction-"icon": "String","name": "String","description": "String","channel_group": "String","visibility": "private"|"public"|"direct""default": true|false,//The new members join by default this channel"archived": false|true,"archivation_date": 0,//Timestamp}
Store last channel activity for bold/not bold management
{//Primary key"company_id": "uuid-v4","channel_id": "uuid-v4","last_activity": 0,//Timestamp in seconds}
This table is used to find an existing discussion with a group of members. The "identifier" is generated from the group of members.
{//Primary key"company_id": "uuid-v4","identifier": "string",// ordered CSV list of user ids"channel_id": "uuid-v4"//A way to find it in the channel table}
Channels tabs
Channels can have tabs that are connexion to other apps or different views.
{//Primary key"company_id": "uuid-v4",//Partition Key"workspace_id": "string",// "uuid-v4" | "direct", //Clustering key"user_id": "uuid-v4","channel_id": "uuid-v4","type": "member"|"guest"|"bot","last_access": 0,//Timestamp in seconds"last_increment": 0,//Number"favorite": false|true,//Did the user add this channel to its favorites"notification_level": "all"|"none"|"group_mentions"|"user_mentions","expiration": false| Timestamp,//Member expiration in channel (only for guests)}
List of users in channel
Not implemented: We need to ensure this replication regularly (on each user open channel) ?