
How users are managed in the Twake console

As user admin, you have access to the user management page.

Open the console : and open the page "Users".

Add a user

To work with your colleagues in your company, you have 2 choices :

  • Create user account

  • Invite them by email

You can also invite users from the chat :

Invite user from Chat

Send email invitation

To send an invitation, you can click on Add user > Invite users.Enter emails you want to invite separated with coma. After validation, an email is sent to this address. Your colleagues will have a link to signup and join your company.

Create user account

You can create directly accounts for your colleagues. For that, click on Add user > Create account. After giving email, name and Role, you can specify a password (or generate a random one). You just have to send credentials to your teammate.

Manage user

Last updated